All descriptions written by Wm. Berger.
Most copies are not numbered. It turns out William numbered them as he assembled them. Therefore, only a very limited amount of numbered copies remain. PT mail order customers will have first crack at them, while they last.
Prison Tatt stickers included with orders while supplies last.
Prices include shipping and are for US only. Outside the US, please contact opporecs at gmail dot com for a postage quote.
Grasshopper - Calling All Creeps /// single-sided LP
Prison Tatt's first liberation. The first release on vinyl by the acclaimed Brooklyn duo. Spine-shuddering drones and subtle melody; improvised electronics and horns that sound through-composed, but aren't. Too often Grasshopper's music is interpreted as composition, perhaps because of Josh and Jesse's background in classical training. Their long-form creations amount to nothing less than the Irrlicht of contemporary noise/electronics (I said this of them long before I knew I'd be releasing their material.) This is a horrid dungeon, no question, but one where hope has not quite died, and pretty things, alluring demons in service to Jon Hassell or Miles Davis, occasionally flutter by the window bars. These things look and sound great; mastered at Aardvark, pressed by Bill Smith, with silkscreened insert by Seizure Palace.
T.O.M.B. - Xesse /// single-sided LP, ltd. 100
T.O.M.B.'s one-sided Xesse LP is the scariest music yet by a scary band. Not so much black metal as simply "black." 20 minutes of empowered anguish and haunted souls. Up there with Nurse With Wound's re-imagined sanatorium Krautrock of Spiral Insana for sheer terror points, Xesse was fashioned in such a way as to not allow the listener to passively kick back and take it in; as the saying goes, "you'll pay for the whole seat, but you'll only use the edge." When I first received the master recordings on Xesse, I cautiously wrote back with an "are you sure?" to the band, as some of the frequencies emphasized on Xesse were so tension-producing as to appear at first listen like a possible "mistake." But no, T.O.M.B. had and have a plan, and I came around to personal notions of good fortune and gratitude that I would be releasing one of the more fucked-up and truly original records in recent memory, infused with diseased emotion, via the meticulous field recording the band does in "haunted" or "damned" locations (this time in my birthplace of Essex County, NJ.) Sleeves screen-printed by Seizure Palace.
Praise for T.O.M.B.
"This is pure aural sound of unsettling malevolence, and done extremely well."
"Industrial drone, haunted noise! ... ability to choose locations with disturbing histories and shape equally disturbing music...."
"...percussive pieces, contact mic investigations, lunar oscillation, ambient acoustics, incantations, a piano, metal surfaces, and natural tunnel reverberations."
"out in 'the wild' ... almost creating a new kind of USBM"
Limited Edition Alternate Art Covers in Red/Black and Black/Black, limited to 7 each.
These 14 copies were discovered in storage with no covers and may have some small flaws. A number of the records are test pressings.
Husere Grav - Myths /// single-sided LP, ltd. 150
A restless, cinematic twilight, shot day-for-night—the funereal calm broken by the electromagnetic energy of troubled spirits. Low rumbles and sub-strata murmurs that conceal much more than is evident on a first listen. Otherworldly, Lovecraftian music that represents a new plateau in cohesiveness for this Texas-based, one-man monster project by black metal and noise veteran Todd W. Prison Tatt proudly brings you Husere Grav's latest and greatest, the sound of haunted souls locked in a desperate eternity, trampling one another in hopes of crossing over. Silkscreened inserts by Seizure Palace; cover design by the artist — a modified image from Brian De Palma's Sisters.
Myths III - Excerpt
Myths IV - Excerpt
Chaos*Majik - Telestic Madness : Majikal Musick /// full LP, ltd. 100
Todd Pendu is known not only in his home-borough of Brooklyn, but worldwide, through pendu.org, as a sound artist, designer, promoter/releasor of others' great musick, passionate/dedicated event organizer, and a humble student of the occult. His suitcase-circuit sound project of many years' standing, Chaos*Majik, has been released on cassette, digitally, and on several compilations. With art and sound collaborator Jesse Gelaznik, this release marks Chaos*Majik's first full-length set of recordings, coming to you with pride from Prison Tatt. This release has been in the works in one form or another for several years, dating from the most-germinal days of our label, and represents some of C*M's finest explorations, in a telepathic, Thelema-inspired erotic frenzy, sounding not too distant in their final presentation from Klaus Schulze's earliest and most-inspired works. These are not drones! This music moves, and has subtle intelligence and power. Limited to 100 pcs., wrapped in a folded sleeve that features images from the Pendu/Gelaznik-designed Majikian's Tarot. Comes with one of our high-quality vinyl stickers.
The Communion - A Desired Level of Unease /// one-sided LP; limited, hand-numbered edition of 100
"Some predators are simply too large to avoid," goes the dark-ride barker's lead-in to The Communion's Desired Level of Unease. I don't think this record will meet with much ambivalence, as anyone who's been a fan of grind, black metal and sludge for the last ten or more years, watching those styles evolve, merge and coalesce naturally, will see The Communion for what they are, the right band at the right time. Prison Tatt first saw The Communion play at their memorial show for late guitarist Lee Altomare, and it was such an intense, vital set, charged with both suffering and human vitality, that it immediately became essential that we release a compendium of new material, or ANY material, by the band. It doesn't matter what you call it anymore—it's metal, extreme variety, drawing on hardcore, blast beats, and Lousiana mud that's been traded in for NYC muck—that black, dusty stuff that lives out between the cracks in the NJ Turnpike and the L.I.E. Above all, The Communion are great songwriters; they instinctively know how to put this shit together—music, lyrics and energy, so that not an ounce of the arrangement is wasted and we are left to be swept up in the melée. This is one of the records that we've been wanting to put out for the longest time, and it's very well worth the wait. Sleeve design by singer Nick; heavy-black-stock folding sleeve silkscreened by Seizure Palace. Comes with lyric insert on parchment-style paper, one of our new stickers, and ours and the band's best wishes for a good seat at the apocalypse.
Sesso Violento - Pacificador /// single-sided LP, ltd. 100
What sounds like the death of a Doctor Who-style computer, laid over some electric guitar rumble and squeal, heralds the coming of the vinyl debut of Sesso Violento, the second release by this mysterious black metal band with punk propulsion. Brazilians now living in the UK, that's about all I can tell you, and where I hesitate to drop the oft-heard comparison of Bone Awl, in this case the reference is valid, though Sesso V. tend to weave multiple concepts into each brief indulgence, and swap out propulsive blast beats as often as they use them for catchy breakdowns and vocal breaks that sound like orders from sci-fi air command. A throat-grabbing record that breaks new ground as it tastefully mines its influences. If black metal and American International Pictures had somehow thrived at the same time, Sesso Violento would be the house band, as there's something very "garage" about them; all the violence of the new generation of punked-up black metal, with a lunar module half-built in the practice space.
Ives - Abandon /// single-sided LP, ltd. 200
One of the best American black-metal demo tapes finds it way onto vinyl, courtesy of Prison Tatt. This 2010 recording, the second release by Florida natives Ives, grabs the listener immediately with its cannibalistic fury and deftly composed bm anthems. Expect the unexpected, as these guys are pros, and work in variant tempos and even an ominous acoustic break. That said, this is an incredibly ferocious record, solid and completely in your face for the duration. Abandon is nothing less than a new milestone in the Prison Tatt catalog. Anyone who can sit still with this record on is not alive. A sleeve insert of moody, vintage photography, designed by the band and assembled by Tom Zahn; silkscreen-printed by Seizure Palace.
Burning the Incense Amanita Virosa - Excerpt
Lost in the Pleasures of Moonlight - Excerpt
Tomhet - Caliginous /// full LP - ltd. 100 copies, with color sleeve, and insert
Prison Tatt is proud to announce a new plateau for both the artist Tomhet and our label. Caliginous is the strongest work yet by the prodigious Canadian one-man black metal / dark ambient composer. Perhaps you're familiar with Tomhet's CS and split-CD releases, great works of focused energy, that encompass excellent songwriting and hearty chunks of evocative instrumental music. As undeniably great as those works are, Caliginous is yet the next great leap forward for Tomhet; six beefy, masterfully arranged, gloomy and pounding, intricate performances that demanded release as a full and comprehensive work. This is Prison Tatt's first full LP (with more to come soon), and our first color front, printed again by the great folks at Seizure Palace. All artwork by Tomhet. Comes with insert on heavy grey stock and one of our stickers. 100 copies pressed.
Haare - Rautapilvi /// one-sided LP; ltd., hand-numbered edition of 100
Finnish occult sound-smasher Haare presents a new work, 20 minutes of ritualistic terror, some sounds taken with kind permission from Circle's Forest LP (a house favorite here at Prison Tatt.) Call it a "collaboration," a "remix," call it Rautapilvi. Listen to this record the way you would Tangerine Dream's Zeit, or your favorite Roland Kayn record—nice and loud, and on a good system (if possible); let Rautapilvi fill the room, the house. We're long-time fans of Haare here at the label, and are honored and grateful to Ilkka for allowing us to bring you this historic release, possessed of great power and creeping dread. Front cover design by the artist; sleeves printed by Seizure Palace.
Creeplings - Scritch / Aycayia /// one-sided LP, ltd. 100
Prison Tatt records is proud to bring you the first vinyl release from industrial music's most dynamic duo, Creeplings. Multi-instrumentalist, bringer of dense drones and haunted vocalizations, Bianca Bibiloni, who's recorded and performed as Ala Muerte, combines talents with synth virtuoso/multi-instrumentalist Joshua Slusher (OPPONENTS, Grand Selector, Spiritual Switchboard, Goblin War Trio et al.), and their collaboration brings about results a breed apart from any of their other projects. With an impressive, self-released CDr, and an equally impressive cassette (Cryptic Carousel) under their belts, Creeplings, on this record, approach beat-based, downtempo industrial like no other project I can think of; I've listened to these tracks over and over and grasped for enticing comparisons...if you could lay the most-etheric Broken Flag releases over the finer works of Chris and Cosey, you might get an idea of where this record will take you; the beats are prevalent, but not dominant, the melodic trails and synth figures seep in like the subtle onset of good hallucinogens. Ask me, it's just hot, hot, hot—but icy, too. United used a new stock for the labels—off-white, glossy, "classic"—a perfect companion to Bianca's collages which adorn the sleeve, artfully silkscreened by Seizure Palace.
Demonologists - s/t /// one-sided LP, hand-numbered, ltd. 100
Prison Tatt is proud to announce our latest release, from the Indiana-based horror-noise monolith Demonologists. This is quite seriously some of the finest material from the Cory / Dustin duo we've ever heard. These pieces step back a bit from the density and sheer-harsh onslaught of earlier releases, to reveal an even-more-layered, dynamic texture that wraps your head in white, woven gauze—a psychic dungeon of swirling sound, as nightmare-sonic or more so than any Demonologists release you could name. Sheets of digital steel cover a rain-soaked landscape, trapped souls seem to moan and cry in the distance, and the bell tolls for thee. Here at PT (where we know the Demonologists discography well), we are honored and feel fortunate to release these landmark tracks by this ever-evolving, hard-sound project. Cover photo by Cory of Demonologists; awesome silkscreen photo-reproduction sleeves by Seizure Palace. 100 copies pressed; comes with matte-black inner sleeves and one of our stickers.
Long Distance Poison - The Bog Nebula /// one-sided LP, hand-numbered. Ltd. 100
Our latest release, from this cinematic, skyward-looking Brooklyn trio. Long Distance Poison reference 70s, Berlin-school electronics in the most pleasing of ways, which is to say just enough, but not too much. Their sound is ultimately all their own, a mighty, rumbling, but gentle monster that carefully wraps the listener's head in astral gauze. This sprawling, sidelong piece will give much pleasure, with its naturally progressing movements and improvisational wiggle-room. Subtle, primordial melodic figures ascend, flutter upwards and away, to reveal the tadpoles of nebulaic life dancing within, making up the core. Shifts happen, chords fall absent of gravity, and the piece evolves, blissfully organic. A pulse eventually emerges, and the more hard and ominous realities of the nebula circle and move in. Long Distance Poison never play any piece the same way twice, and Prison Tatt is pleased to be releasing this version of "The Bog Nebula," as we believe it's one of LDP's several masterworks thus far in their career. The record's urgent and haunting conclusion is sampled below. Comes in a heavy, silkscreened folded-insert sleeve by Seizure Palace, with art by the band. A great ride in vital, modern head music.
Glass Coffin - Haunted By The Ghosts of the Damned /// one-sided LP; ltd., hand-numbered edition of 100
Cult black metal from black-noise/horrorscape master Josh Lay. Three twisted, hypnotic basement dirges infused with black metal fire, songs that pound like the buried alive, plus a haunting, instrumental outro, to leave the listener shaken and uneasy. Imagine a more-wired Defuntos or Mordheim, high on the opportunity to jam in German Oak's bunker. Great songwriting and a pervasive creepiness lurks in these four tracks of torture-basement ambiance, Glass Coffin's first release on 12" vinyl. Graveyard-ritual sketches by the artist, front and back; silkscreened sleeve printed by Seizure Palace.
My Hammer Will Decide My Fate - Excerpt
Starless Unholy Night - Excerpt
Glass Coffin Bandcamp
Kavra - Nekuon Kataethneoton /// two-sided EP, ltd. to 100 copies
Prison Tatt has been following the progress of this outstanding Yucatan-based black metal project for several years. Kavra are raw and powerful, yes, but unlike many of their contemporaries, also possessed of cosmic notions, and high composition skills. Like graveyard dust scattered in deep space—inspired from below, but looking upward.
What we have here is Kavra's best work to date; a 45 RPM EP, with three ferocious bangers on Side A, and the sprawling title song on Side B, which dare we say echoes early Tangerine Dream, if same were vicious imps lurking under a bridge on an uncharted world. 100 copies pressed. Silkscreened folding jacket, with glossy full-size color insert.
Premastered for vinyl by James Plotkin.
Bob Bellerue - Butcher's Broom /// full LP, ltd. 100
A long time in the discussion / planning stage, Bob Bellerue has delivered the record Prison Tatt hoped for, and then some. Far from being simply another power-drone record, Butcher's Broom has layers of action; left and right, seemingly front and rear as well. In (dis)harmony with our favorite releases by the artist, alongside Amplified Piano Duets with Jarett Silberman, Diablo's "Hollow Body" (live on WFMU), Redglaer's "American Masonry" and the accompanying 10", this is the artist of many voices and faces at his very finest. Source material from the band Health (yes, THAT Health) has here been re-crafted to perfection, reminiscent of The Theater of Eternal Music's high-volume, overtone wonders. Sounding its best at "Holy Shit" volume (per the artist and our label) Butcher's Broom reveals wonders of immersion aplenty. At a time when the shelves are crowded with some of the most unremarkable, tedious drone records in memory, the perennially modest Bellerue has honored the Prison Tatt catalog with another slice of casual perfection for our discography, one that I considered releasing in a gatefold sleeve, simply so the listener would have a suitable, accompanying vessel for cleaning their pot! The package DOES come with a dizzying, mind-fuck of a sleeve, art by Radoslav Rakela (with modifications by Bob), silkscreened with care at Seizure Palace; an accompanying full-color insert of Bob, lovingly holding a papier-mache, life-size pig; and custom LP labels, gothic-sexy and designed by the artist. Yet another gem we at PT HQ are fluffing up our chests over.
Lord Time - Forgotten Future /// one-sided LP, ltd. 200 (co-release with Universal Consciousness)
Brief, thunderous bursts of black-metal energy; intense, fast, mighty songs, rode by Lord Time's wicked-as-a-necromancer vocals, and each separated by a creepy instrumental interlude. A wild, one-sided black metal suite! This is a reissue and remaster for vinyl of the very-limited 2010 FF cassette on UC. Comes with a handsome letterpress insert, and labels, both thumb-printed, spattered and dripping with Lord Time's own blood! Silkscreened, folded-sleeve insert by the artist, printed @ Seizure Palace. Packaged finally in a heavy poly bag. First 20 orders receive a special "artist copy," each with multiple, unique locked-grooves on the "blank" side, created and lathed by the artist! A peerless item, great music, and a steal at any price. Co-release with Universal Consciousness, 200 pressed.
Wretched Worst - Worse Than Jail /// full LP, ltd. 100
It's here, heads! Worse than Jail, the first full vinyl LP by Wretched Worst, Kentucky's nearly indescribable doom / sludge / noise / rock combo. Done fair justice by none of those labels, they are simply Wretched Worst, redefining heavy music since the latter part of the last decade. In just a few years of touring, releasing tapes, 7"s and CDrs, WW have amassed a huge fan base and rattled audiences to their core nationwide. And this LP plays pretty much like one their shows, with several short, chaotic "songs" (like Flipper viewed through heavy gauze) and at least a half-album's worth of the bands' mindbending, Dinosaur-on-the-move, extended-jam numbers.
Comes in a heavy-stock black-on-white silkscreened sleeve (printed by Seizure Palace) and one of our built-to-last vinyl stickers. Sleeve and label artwork by vocalist/illustrator Matt Minter.
Limited to 100 pcs., hand-numbered.
Nuit Noire - A Beautiful Belief /// one-sided LP, ltd. 100
This iconoclastic French band is one of the first artists that was contacted for possible release when the Prison Tatt label was first formed. Their earliest demos were the rawest, mono-riffic black metal imaginable, with anthemic, basement-rendered tunes, and over the years, NN have evolved into a wholly unique band that inhabit their own universe, populated, as their sleeve illustrates, with "trees, moon, stars, night, and fairies." Their sound in the latter 2000s has owed more to punk than black metal, with Tenebras' melodic vocals emerging ever forward; and deftly written, infectious songs that take seat in your head and never leave. Nuit Noire have always appealed to this label for their utter uniqueness, and for their their obsession with night and its infinite mystery, especially over other, more common black metal topics like hate, despair, and anti-christian sentiments. The world needs a band like Nuit Noire, to keep the balance of "messages" in black metal, and Tenebras and co. have here delivered another instant classic that will appeal to all their fans and maybe even create some new ones. Tenebras really embraced the one-sided LP concept, and in the process, delivered seven solid songs that work as a conceptual whole, and again, are so infectious as to embed themselves in your back brain, and you'll be humming them constantly. We couldn't be happier to present this limited, one-sided LP of all new Nuit Noire material.
Sesso Violento - Molestador /// one-sided LP, ltd. 100
On their second one-sider for Prison Tatt, Sesso Violento continue to be the enigmatic, sympathetic, misogynistic, laughing-at-themselves raw-and-dirty black metalers as always. With each progressive release, they do more and more of their own thing, pressing their luck, whilst still delivering their flooring minimal-black-metal hooks, with only an odd collage-de-noise, and despairing acoustic guitar touching down for a moment here and there. Sesso Violento are unique in that they potentially torch across a great many time stones, with a definite, Napalm/Scum vibe, mid-80s Euro thrash, and a contemporary, inward-looking black-metal feel, along the lines of bands like Bone Awl and Cirrhus. Couldn't be happier to have Sesso Violento as one of Prison Tatt's "house artists," as there really is no one quite like them—they have that short, fast, loud power and urgency, as well as their beard-stroking, "house of ideas" quality of character. Minimal, but resonant packaging, all designed by the artist, printed expertly by Sezure Palace. The insert for this one is escpecially good; the iconic, Sesso Violento "knife," super-imposed over decaying, drenched-yet-baking São Paulo slums.
Moloch - Depressive Black Metal Plague /// one-sided LP, ltd. 100
Ukraine's one-man black metal / ambient phenomenon Moloch had this vision for a one-sided LP, and we at Prison Tatt are more than excited to bring it to you. These are four anthems of esoteric despair; three previously issued on the Isolation der Essensz CD, but these versions are mastered for vinyl from Moloch's original, analog master recordings, different mixes entirely—more bottom heavy, rich with gloomy atmosphere, and Moloch's guitar sounds like an all-surrounding shroud of cobwebs; the fourth, a new, unreleased track, a powerful gut-punch that's worth the price of the package alone. Altogether, a must for existing Moloch fans and those yet to be. (Re)titled "Plague I-IV" these tracks represent a comprehensive vision of Moloch's finest DSBM compositions, and if you're not reaching for your razor by the end, you haven't listened closely enough. Sleeve designed by the artist, and silkscreened by Seizure Palace.
Plague II - Excerpt
Plague IV - Excerpt
Moloch Bandcamp
Malkuth - Tamahprabha /// full LP, ltd. 100
Malkuth need little introduction; a powerfully epic, at times beatific, gut-wrenching band of black metal artists from NYC. Their exceptionally unique take on the sound / genre has seen them through three excellent full-lengths, and this LP (along with the Hathir Skata LP on Kelippah) represents some of their first new material released in years. We here at Prison Tatt have spent the better part of the last year marveling at the brilliance and power of these songs. Tamahprabha is intended as a companion to Hathir Skata; originally they were conceived as a double album, but instead, this disc was licensed to Prison Tatt for this limited release. We're damn proud, as this material stands up with power, ferocity, and hypnotic melody, to any Malkuth album you could name; a landmark for both the artist and the label. These are raw, primitive, private recordings from Malkuth, powerful, scintillating renderings, and the band's raw originals were mastered directly from digital files for vinyl.
OPPONENTS - Telepathic Times /// full LP, ltd. 166
This is the music of the apocalypse—environmental collapse, leading to glorious mutations, and striking new powers amongst the populace. The beats and polluted aether of 80s Sheffield come to Brooklyn—danceable, atonal, melodic, catchy, and very much not safe. As we adapt to the shower of toxins, we are made stronger, less fearful. A giant leap upward for OPPONENTS, and their first slab of vinyl, presents the song form with greater boldness than any previous release, yet with the same discretion that has marked OPPONENTS' progression, into this, a new kind of sci-fi music for a wasted millennium, after the crisis. Pop? Only if you're making popular music for the dried, smoking husk of the "what now?" urban metropolis, which OPPONENTS are. Songs that will dance in your head as you envision Ballardian landscapes, concrete islands where the infinite galaxy meets the gritty Brooklyn sidewalk. Mashroom-headed sleeve by Joshua Slusher; silkscreen-printed by Seizure Palace. Six tracks; a special edition of 166.
NRIII - The Algea /// full LP, ltd. 100
Some time in the making, Prison Tatt is proud to present the first, full-length vinyl by Florida-based, horror-sonic post-industrialists NRIII! Over the course of their debut tape on Primal Vomit Records (see our distro), and several dazzling CD EPs on their own Neon Doom Records label, we've watched eagerly as NRIII's sound has evolved into the very unique voice they have today. Though not at all a throwback, with many digital sounds, this LP is A MUST for fans of the middle 80s, post-TG industrial explosion that included H.N.A.S., Nurse With Wound, Einsturzende Neubauten, Staalplaat label, and others. Raspy vocals overlay a complex array of sounds, conveying a rich palette of dark and truly haunting sound inventions and "song" structures. This is the right album at the right time, catching NRIII at an outstanding plateau of their evolution; transmissions from a padded cell of subconscious mystery. Repeated themes churn and burn, emerging from the darkness, and The Algea sits comfortably in our collection alongside inspirational, landmark works like Merzbild Schwet, Kollaps, and Neo Zalanda's Mix Zelanea. In its way, The Algea is the album we always wish Coil had made, like the hardest, eerie moments of Scatology. This may seem like outrageously high praise, but in our view, the collision of Prison Tatt Records and NRIII could not be more well-timed and placed in the history of this very-unique, mind-shattering, 21st-century music, with maybe half a foot dangling in the most-outstanding moments of the late 20th. Comes with black-and-grey sleeve design by the band, on very heavy white stock (silkscreened at Seizure Palace), and one of the label's built-to-last vinyl sticker designs. Limited to 100 pieces pressed.
Smoke - Het Laatste Oordeel /// one-sided LP, ltd. 100
In just a few years, and ~10 cassettes, Smoke established themselves as a strikingly original and bold voice in black metal, their works all improvised and recorded live. The key elemenets of the genre are there: blast beats; eerie, baroque chord figures more akin to "punk" than "metal"; and soup-thick mortuary atmosphere with concrete-bunker charm. In fact, as to that "bunker" reference, Smoke have often struck me as the German Oak of black metal—a perfect comparison, both in terms of the perhaps-cannabis-inspired improvisation, as well as their preparing for war in the most hopeless of rooms possible. This is a record that has been long in the Prison Tatt pipeline, a natural outgrowth of my personal correspondence and music swaps with Smoke visionary Kenneth vH (who's also a founder of Profectum Iri, another great improvised-music project, part of what's being called the Black Hermetic Order, projects propelling underground black metal in The Netherlands to its next logical plateau.) This first-time-on-vinyl offering for Smoke also marks their swan song. Het Laatste Oordeel is made up of three impossibly dark and irrepressibly eerie songs, and the sleeve, having a worn, crusty appearance, enchantingly hand-drawn by Osman aka Walpurgis Nacht, has been thoughtfully reproduced by Seizure Palace. This marks yet another first-time-on-vinyl milestone in underground metal that Prison Tatt is indeed very proud to present.
Sentenced For Life - Cold on the Blue /// full LP, ltd. 100
Deluxe reissue on vinyl of this outstanding 2011 Aussie noise cassette, originally released by Abysmal Sounds in a very-limited run of 88 copies. As soon as I heard Cold on the Blue, I knew that eventually this would become a Prison Tatt project. Unclassifiable, as in "not quite 'harsh noise wall,' not quite 'collage'"; an ultra-inspired, one-man barrage of power electronics, each side a magnum opus of layered, complex, enveloping sound—brutal, yes, but a deep treat for the heads as well. Steeped in the aura of Australian biker culture, inspired specifically by the infamous shoot-off / slaughter known as the "Milperra Massacre" which occurred on 2nd September 1984, resulting in 7 deaths, followed by intense media coverage, making an indelible impression on a young J. Badd, who lived nearby at the time and would go on to create this landmark monster of a noise tape. All original artwork (and then some) from the original release is included and enhanced for this limited LP; front and back covers, custom LP labels, and a 2-sided insert, all collected and designed by the artist. The original audio has been remastered for vinyl from J.'s originals, making this in total a handsome package, and a must-have for fans of one-of-a-kind heavy electronics. The side excerpts below give only a mere glimpse of the enveloping, noisehead joy to be experienced with Cold on the Blue.

Yellow Eyes - Stillicide /// one-sided LP, ltd. 166
It's here! The pro-cassette edition of Stillicide having sold out, this is the one-sided LP edition, same cairn tracks, but mastered for vinyl, and packaged in a silkscreened, heavyweight grey insert. A joint release of Prison Tatt Records and the band's own Sibir Records. Very much the natural next step for this outstanding USBM band, these two songs are rich with stark emotion, powerfully executed and arranged, and framed with haunting, instrumental passages that quite naturally frame these phenomenal songs with contemplative, funereal blooms. As good (or better) than anything in the Yellow Eyes recorded pantheon, exemplary of the unpretentious and genuine gravity of an American black metal band in its prime.
Bleak - Songs For Cowards 12" EP /// ltd. to 100 copies
Four new earth-flattening numbers from Syracuse's masters of punk-sludge-swing. Two gut-tearing songs per side, 45 rpm; vinyl is mastered to kill. Watson's vocals have never sounded more wild and terrifying, and Bleak stay fluid and dirty thanks to constant touring. Great songs, hard work, ferocious delivery. A vision of ugliness that you will love. We couldn't be happier with how this one turned out. Currently sold out from the band on tour. Also includes label sticker, vellum insert, as depicted.
Moloch - Humane Too Sheeps LP /// deluxe reissue, ltd. 100
One of our favorite and most-unique albums from this prolific and talented black metal / dark ambient artist from Ukraine, first time on vinyl, remastered with bonus tracks. From the artist: "Moloch “человечье слишком овечье” album (2006); cold, obscure and primal analogue recordings from the beginning of 2003. A live recording of sessions in the dungeons of Tarakanov Fort. All sounds represent a real-time-experiment, along with background sounds of the open space and atmosphere of the natural acoustics. First time available on black 12" vinyl LP and including 2 tracks from the “Universum” EP, recorded 10 years after, in the same place but with different equipment."
A guitar-noise, ambient masterwork, a Prison Tatt favorite on the level of Simon Wickham-Smith & Matthew Bower's SITE/REALM. Evocative of nature, and dark, interior worlds. We're excited to offer this new master, with two bonus selections and a brand-new sleeve designed by Moloch.
The Black Scorpio Underground - Necrochasm LP /// ltd. to 300 copies
If you've been following the progression of releases by The Black Scorpio Underground, then you know Thee Sluglord is a mighty purveyor of desolate, otherworldly, psychedelic-occult smash; there's no fooling around with this project, and over the course of many exciting cassette and split releases, TBSU have forged a unique place in the noise underground, creating an extraordinary sound-tapestry of dark mood & dark mind. These are heavy recordings, that hold great reward for the focused and mindful listener. I would point to the 2014 split LP with Werewolf Jerusalem as a good bit of foreshadowing for what we have here, but that said Necrochasm is a massive achievement, a new plateau in composition and execution for TBSU, and an album that "works as an album," as too few do these days. We can't say enough good things about this record, and Prison Tatt is pleased and proud to be a part of the release, a limited edition of 300, released in collaboration with The Black Scorpio Underground and Husk Records.
Death Factory - Nocturnal Dimension LP w/ bonus CDr /// ltd. to 100 copies
Prison Tatt presents Death Factory's debut vinyl LP, Nocturnal Dimension, a release that delivers on the promise of earlier works and live recordings, a ferocious-yet-cosmic blend of industrial noise & post-Krautrock electronics—subtle, clever, rhythmic, at times quite melodic—hypnotic sound-as-art of the highest order. Fans of Conrad Schnitzler, H.N.A.S., and the post-Nurse With Wound European avant garde in general are bound to find a rich world of textures in this longstanding Chicago project. The Death Factory snowball has been rolling and growing in strength since 1988, and this is perhaps the mightiest and most self-definitive work yet. Our LP is a high-quality vinyl production, with four enveloping pieces, a three-color silkscreened sleeve (artwork by Bill Connolly of NoVisible Scars), an insert, and a bonus CDr with 20 more minutes of music. M. Krause, Death Factory's humble creator, covers a lot of stylistic ground on this LP—it's a fantastic resume for the project, as well as just a damn fine listen that exhibits well the breadth and skill of his work.