All descriptions written by Wm. Berger.
Prison Tatt stickers included with orders while supplies last.

Scroll down for a special offer.

Prices include shipping and are for US only. Outside the US, please contact opporecs at gmail dot com for a postage quote.

OPPONENTS - Together We Will End The Future /// digipak CD, ltd. 300

The first non-CDr, non-tape release for OPPONENTS. Electric "songs" to topple all extant regimes. Grimy electronics rendered on vintage synths, environments reminiscent of Schnitzler, vintage Cabaret Voltaire, and The Golden Hour of the Future. Snatches of baroque melody and fuzzy, left-hand figures tumble in and out of scene, while Aaron's vocals texturize and provoke, and percussive washes reflect the Brooklyn concrete. A proud day for Prison Tatt to bring you this full length release, the sonic equivalent of a great, abstract novel. Unlike any other OPPONENTS release, unlike any other release by anyone. Full-color, high-gloss UV digipak with collage-art cover by OPPONENTS' Joshua Slusher.


KILT - Kitchen Sorcery /// digipak CD, ltd. 300

KILT are a real mind-fuck; about as good as two-man noisy improv gets. Their lurching, and wonderfully animate performances are like a giant amoeba, feasting on the nutrition of the spirit. The contrasting elements of high-volume trance/minimalism ala the Theatre of Eternal Music, the churning PE-style "riffs" that appear and then dissipate, and the hi-frequency dancing of Bob Bellerue and Raven Chacon's exuberant communications via sound-shattering are quite a thing to behold as well as hear. KILT are among the natural heirs to a certain brand of humanist, soulful power improvisation. Prison Tatt is proud to present the project's first silver CD, Kitchen Sorcery, combining two phantasmagorical studio sets with a dynamite live performance from 2007. Crisp and loud pro-mastering by Bob, horrifying cover drawing by Matt Minter.

"Harsh but colorful noise/electro-acoustic squall" — Brian Turner, Music Director/DJ, WFMU-FM


Black Whispers - Shades of Bleakness CD /// ltd. to 150 copies in North America

The translucent, bluish skin of a beautiful maiden hovering between life and death; the feel of cold stone; a melancholy wind hissing through the trees; long days spent alone in an attic room, natural light dancing around the periphery, waving the dust and cobwebs around. All these and more are evoked in the music of Black Whispers. Shades of Bleakness is the excellent full-length follow up to their cult-cassette debut, Negative Ways of Life (on Illusion Prod.), and the hard and dirgey 7", Essence of Nothingness, released last year on Prison Tatt Records. Their songs are served up with more-prevalent keyboards this time, a wash of dirty rain to embrace the plodding rhythm section and anguished vocals. You can stream the full album below via bandcamp before buying; we have 150 copies of the CD with on-disk printing and an 8-page booklet of related artworks. Prison Tatt Records couldn't be happier to be a part of this co-release with Symbol of Domination in Russia and Outer Line in Belarus. Unique work by a special, dark talent.


Intolerant /// Snow Stained With the Blood of Traitors digipak CD, ltd. 300

Fierce, underground, raw martial black metal. The name pretty much says it all. The songs are terrific, every one an anthem, and the digital reproduction (ADD) of Intolerant's grimy masters makes for a great and true listening experience. It's killer to have all these tracks on CD, with 100% new art and the Intolerant logo printed on disk (see below), plus an outstanding bonus track not featured on the original limited cassette. Snow Stained...the tape, is a filthy, hateful USBM classic that demanded more widespread distribution and appreciation, proudly reissued here by Prison Tatt, remastered for CD but not "cleaned up" in the slightest; original tape issued by the Vanguard Productions label. Prison Tatt does not issue very many compact disks, but after much time spent with the original tape, the artist and I both agreed that a CD was warranted, even essential. So swords up to the righteous horde!


Dhampyr - White Fire Laudanum /// digipak CD, ltd. 300

For an American Depressive black metal album, or more accurately a work of the "ambient psychotic," Dhampyr's White Fire Laudanum feels definitive, in a league with the best tracks from Marks of the Masochist and Xasthur; perhaps even surpassing them in terms of song composition (in this humble label's opinion!) It's a record that feels like a walk through a room full of cobwebs, and those thumps on the floor and ceiling are too jarring for one to possibly get a wink of sleep. The sadness is engufing; the melodies are bleak and baroque, while still packing a punch, also bringing vintage Burzum to mind. Songs like "Dans la Souffrance" will haunt you their with absorbing, tortured refrains. Prison Tatt is proud and honored to present the first physical release for this band, consisting of all-new material by Dhampyr, who otherwise eschew most label affiliations, and simply give the work away on the band blog.


SPECIAL OFFER - ALL 5 CDS /// $36 (US only)

It's buy 4, get 1 free.

>>> CLICK TO LINK TO OUR NEW CD-R SUBSIDIARY IMPRINT, PASSION AND TORMENT SERIES! Releases by Dope (Russia), Dreadlords (US), Goblin War Trio (US), and Bondage (Peru); full descriptions and track samples at the site.<<< DO NOT TRY TO USE THE PAYPAL BUTTONS.

Extremely limited Passion And Torment CD-Rs remain. Please email to inquire.